Recycle Bin Containers Why Do Certain Community Recycling Programs Only Allow You To Recycle Plastic Containers With 1s Or 2s?

Why do certain community recycling programs only allow you to recycle plastic containers with 1s or 2s? - recycle bin containers

Would not it be better not to mention (for the environment, saves space in the landfill in Michigan for the all-important trash "from Canada, but that's another story) when she left me all my plastic containers in the recyclables bin and what is so different than other plastics, the number in the middle of the recycling symbol?


Stewart H said...

Container with 1 or 2 in the symbol are made from polyethylene. There are difficulties in the automatic classification of various plastics before recycling and what they have probably decided that the most common plastics to recycle.

Take a look here .....
Some information about the different plastics and recycling industry.

Bob said...

The main problem with recycling is the availability of markets for the things we try to recycle. Pure 1 p.m. to 2 a.m., things can be sold and reused. Mixed-use plastic is less likely.

People do not pay taxes or charges assessed the garbage collection. The recycling program must be cost be as free as possible and preferably to earn money. Limiting the collection of high-quality plastic things that help.

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