Im 17 And Im Still A Virgin Im 17 And Im Still Virgin.?

Im 17 and im still virgin.? - im 17 and im still a virgin

Okay, I've always said that this would be the right person. well my friend I have now is completely correct. which the service binds very quickly and when I switch from one school to get me thinking to ask her to marry him. Well, I'm really ready, but I do not know how to say. What should I do or say without wayyyy weird?


Jeff7704... said...

Meredith, you're too young to marry. If the house now that the chances are good it will end in divorce. It is not too much money and life on a military base is *. * Dark

How would you 18 or 19 years old, divorced with a baby to take care of? Finish High School and College. He completed his entry into the same age who graduates from the university. If you feel the love for another can take a long time, so it's a good sign that you both are mature and that love can last a lifetime.

Check out my "best answer" ...

Shock said...

I think the first step to a successful relationship is communication. It is more easily said than sex: "Hey, I'm ready, let's do it." There are many feelings and desires to participate. If we want to have a satisfying relationship, you must be willing to talk about these things in detail, open and honest. If you take does not even talk to her friend, to love the times, in my opinion, are not willing to.

gatech-d... said...

Congratulations. I am 18 years and still a virgin. I've always said that it would be with the right girl.

My personal feeling is that sex must wait until after the wedding. It's just how they are raised and all. If you are a virgin still be a virgin when she marries.

You can have sex and immediate gratification, or you can until both are married and can have a family support and love to wait.

both must be ready, and he might want to have sex until you know that there may be for you.

gatech-d... said...

Congratulations. I am 18 years and still a virgin. I've always said that it would be with the right girl.

My personal feeling is that sex must wait until after the wedding. It's just how they are raised and all. If you are a virgin still be a virgin when she marries.

You can have sex and immediate gratification, or you can until both are married and can have a family support and love to wait.

both must be ready, and he might want to have sex until you know that there may be for you.

An excellent advice giver said...

You do not have sex with him. Men tend to services in contact with prostitutes. Seriously. So they could bring you an STD.
I suggest you not compromised. Wait until it is in use for some time and are a little older. Only if, after having committed some time having sex with him. But asked about their sexual past and whether you have ever had an STD test to all (and have a form for HIV testing character so that he never signed what was not tested for this.)
I insist on receiving proof of sexually transmitted diseases before their virginity. Your life is worth to be tested for sexually transmitted diseases. And use a condom.

An excellent advice giver said...

You do not have sex with him. Men tend to services in contact with prostitutes. Seriously. So they could bring you an STD.
I suggest you not compromised. Wait until it is in use for some time and are a little older. Only if, after having committed some time having sex with him. But asked about their sexual past and whether you have ever had an STD test to all (and have a form for HIV testing character so that he never signed what was not tested for this.)
I insist on receiving proof of sexually transmitted diseases before their virginity. Your life is worth to be tested for sexually transmitted diseases. And use a condom.

Erin said...

I can not believe your question. It's okay, a virgin, 17 They run around. None of you should think about marriage, if you're so young.

I will not say no to sex, however, is their choice and hopefully it is correct. Should) But things happen, and when it comes to a stop before it is too far (he says he is ready.

Toshii's Man said...

So me and my daughter went through the same thing the other day u must be the same as he did ... U should just say u want to be alone and to understand and trust me ecstatic!

Charlie said...

Uh, I think you should wait until you get to marry him if he is sure he is the only ... If have not, then she asked to have sex with him, is likely to wait until you are married.

Diarmuid L said...

If you're right for each other, we can say that, as you will and how it does not seem strange.

BabyCakk... said...

Tell him to be his list, it does not sound strange at all.

Emmy said...

first of him in the air, then you tell him ... actually pre-birth control and condoms preserved.

Joe said...

They should drop some advice and then you say if ur not receive advice

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